Divorced and Single Retirees Workshop! Hosted by Jean Dorrell

     You and a guest are invited to join us for a fun evening at GarVino’s for a wine tasting and heavy hors d’oeuvres!

     This is a special, one-time opportunity to have specific retirement questions answered if you are divorced or single. You will leave with a wealth of new knowledge and information concerning your retirement!

Join us for a Wine Tasting and Workshop at GarVino’s on

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 @ 5:00 – 7:00PM

     **This workshop, wine, and hors d’oeuvres are FREE for being our guest! All you have to do is register before all of the seats are gone!

Feel free to bring a guest or a potential new client who is divorced or single!

Please complete the RSVP form below to reserve your spot!

    Your Name*





    Zip Code*

    Phone Number*

    Number Attending* (including yourself)

    Guest's Names

    Which night would you like to attend?


    *Required Field