Get Financially Fit in 2014

FOX – WOFL       It’s that time of year! Whether you want to lose weight, get organized or quit smoking, more than 40% of Americans will make at least one New Year’s resolution. But, only 8% of us will keep it. One resolution we should all make this year is to get financially fit.     Vague […]

SFS 2013 Annual Halloween Party

When witches go riding and black cats are seen, The moon laughs and whispers, ’tis near Halloween!’ We would like to thank all of our clients who attended the SFS 2013 Annual Halloween Party! This event was “Ghosted” by Jean Dorrell and Senior Financial Security, Inc. Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Time: 5:00-7:00pm Location: Laurel […]

Holiday Scams

FOX – WOFL It is a busy time of year for everyone, including those looking to scam and take advantage of us. Here are six holiday scams you should be on the look out for! Rogue Websites – Click here to determine whether a website is legitimate. Fake e-cards Worthless Gift Cards Charity Scams – […]

SFS 2013 Circle of Advocates Dinner

For those who referred a new client to SFS this year, it was our pleasure to show our appreciation and honor you at the annual Circle of Advocates Dinner. Date: Thursday, December 5, 2013 Time: 5:00-7:00pm


FOX – WOFL We all know Thanksgiving is on Thursday, the following day is “Black Friday”, Saturday and Sunday is reserved for leftovers & football, and online sales officially start on “Cyber Monday” (think of “Cyber Monday” as the Internet’s version of “Black Friday”), but do you know what comes next? Tuesday, December 3rd is […]

SFS 2013 Arabian Nights Referral Contest

Arabian Nights Dinner Attraction opened for business in 1988. Owner and CEO Mark Miller wanted to keep the art of Equestrian performance alive. It has grown to be one of the most honored dinner shows in the world with 500,000 patrons visiting annually. Our VIP experience, prior to the show, included a souvenir poster, Sneak […]

Holiday Shopping Survival Guide

FOX – WOFL Holiday Shopping Survival Guide It’s easy to overspend around the holidays. Jean Ann Dorrell talked with My FOX Orlando with tips on how to survive the holiday shopping season. Start with her budget worksheet. You can download it here. SFS Holiday Budget Worksheet

Stock in Jocks

FOX – WOFL Stock in Athletes as an Investment From betting on a game to Fantasy Football to now the opportunity to literally invest in your favorite football player. Jean Ann Dorrell appeared on FOX News Orlando to discuss the details and risks in this new type of investing. Start-up Fantex Holdings is taking reservations […]

Healthy Money Habits For Kids

FOX – WOFL Kids’ Money Habits In Place By Age 7 Jean Ann Dorrell appeared on FOX News Orlando sharing tips on how to teach your children and grandchildren healthy money habits. New research finds kids have money habits in place by age 7. So what are some strategies to help the little ones in […]

How To Avoid Obamacare Scams

FOX – WOFL The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has become a scam artist’s dream. The Federal Trade Commission and the National Consumers League say scammers are taking advantage of the program to trick us into divulging personal information and paying for fictitious insurance plans. Jean Ann Dorrell talked to FOX News Orlando about the 5 […]